February 19, 2012
of Good Gardening
We thought long and hard about our ultimate mission
and it came down to this…we want to be the
place for organic gardening advice where the tools are
and the education you receive is thoughtful and accessible.
Let’s get down to the essentials:
Respect the
care of Mother Earth so that all of us and all the generations to come can
thrive and keep her in balance. Every type of gardening can be productive, successful and more profitable without compromising
the Earth's delicate eco- system
with harmful chemicals. Don't
pollute! You are where the clean-up begins and ends.
Respect the
Appreciate wildlife. All animals,
from family pets to animals in the wild,
deserve to be treated humanely. We recommend that you create
an inviting space in your garden for
butterflies, birds and other creatures. If you are concerned about wildlife
coming too close to home, look for ways to coexist with animals or to protect
your property humanely.
Keep it
Don’t permit debris tto accumulate. Don't permit damaged or dying leaves to remain on your
plants. . Don't permit past-ripe food to remain on the ground or on the
plant. Keep up with your weeding. It's good to remember the mantra ‘weed ‘em and reap.’ Aesthetics are important. Don't allow tools, hoses, debris piles, or idle 'stuff' to sit around.
Every five
dollar plant needs a fifty dollar hole
know that this sounds a little corny but this is where it all begins. You
must take great care to provide the
best environment you can for the food you grow
Share your
Here are a few websites that demonstrate some of the
far-reaching result
of 'sharing your bounty'. You can start
being a good neighbor. Give
the kids next door a few delectable yellow pear tomatoes to munch on. Once you've crossed the threshold into overflowing bounty you can open your hearts to the poor and the hungry like
these folks:
Touch your
Plants are living things and respond to external stimulation. This means groom and examin
your plants often. It even helps to talk
to your plants! While they probably can’t hear you, talking to
your plants reinforces attention to your ecosystem. You're more likely to catch problems in their
early stages this way.
follow the beaten path
Experiment with new
varieties. Try vegetables you've always
had an aversion to. Look at your
neighbor's gardens and try out some of their good ideas. Look for inventive ways to stake up floppy,
uncontrollable vines. Keep innovating,
all the time! Be a part of this organic process
Now that you have been introduced to GARDENBEAR ORGANIC: Principles of Good Gardening, it's time to get started in the garden.
As you explore our blog, you will soon notice that our mission is woven into everything we do. It is our goal
to provide you with positive, progressive and inclusive directions to help you on your journey. You will recognize and appreciate not only what you've done, but what you will be doing for yourself and for everyone around you.
We love to hear from our readers, so
keep in touch whether it’s a question, comment, picture or tip!
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